The concerns and damages of this country’s prescription drug addiction problems are on the rise. According to a CBS news article, drug overdose has become the most deadly method of accidental death in the United States. This is a shocking development that needs more attention. Greed and unethical behaviors by some physicians, who seem to not be able to give out controlled substance prescriptions fast enough, is fueling the problem. Other licensed physicians, who are uneducated in the field of pain relief, have been prescribing dangerous amounts of these potentially deadly prescriptions. The CBS article shines light on this frightening development. The selling of the drug Oxycontin has formed what has been known as the “Oxy Express” in states north of Florida. Those who are seeking for a way to reduce the amount of overdose deaths as a result of negligent pain killer prescription need only look to the merits of medically prescribed cannabis. While there are cases of death from Opioidoverdoses across the country, there are no recorded instances of death caused by cannabis overdose.
The severity of this article reveals that more education, and emphasis should be placed upon prescription drug awareness. The report states that kids are believed to begin experimenting with prescription drugs at the age of 13. This is a chilling statement that helps us understand how the craze of prescription fueled drug bowl parties came about. These parties are events in which the cost of admission is dropping prescribed drugs, most times from the home medicine cabinet, into a communal bowl. The combination of random prescription drugs, with alcohol has been a serious risk for adolescents who frequent this type of events. Some of the blame if not all is to be placed on sources that are allowing these drugs to be obtained with such ease. The result is individual purchasing drugs at next to nothing, then traveling to the areas where there is more regulation, and selling them $15-$20 a pill. Excessive and irresponsible use of any medical drug can dangerous. Marijuana can provide a benefit to many people suffering from illness when used under the direction of an experienced, licensed doctor. It is a safer method than many of the alternatives that have lead to potential misuse of prescriptions.