2013 Legislative Session Update:
Both HB 668, HD 2, SD 2, CD1 (the measure to move the Medical Cannabis Program to the Department of Health) and SB 642 HD2, CD1 (the Medical Cannabis Program improvements bill) have passed the House and Senate.
In the Senate, SB 642 passed unanimously while only Senator Slom voted no on HB 668 because he opposes the creation of “special funds” but still supports the intent of the bill. In the House, SB 642 passed with bipartisan support with Representatives Fale, Ward, and Ito voting no. HB 668 also passed with bipartisan support with Representatives Fale, Ward, Ito, and Choy voting no.
HB 668 will not take effect until January 1, 2015 (although both the Department of Health and the Department of Public Safety will be working on transitioning the program until then). SB 642 will not take effect until January 2, 2015.
This is a major step forward for the medical cannabis community in Hawaii and it could not have happened without each and every one of you. In fact, Representative Belatti, the Chair of the House Health Committee, stated on the House Floor that it was the community members who helped pass this measure and ensure that these important changes were made. She mentioned that she was unfamiliar with the medical cannabis program before she became Chair of the House Health Committee but through your written and oral testimony, she was both moved and educated on the issue. Mahalo to everyone who called, emailed, and submitted written testimony to their elected officials!
We will keep everyone updated on when we anticipate the Governor will sign these into laws.
Currently HB1963 is not going anywhere. It did not get scheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary committee. Please note that Rep. Joe Souki voted against this bill while it was in committee and Rep. Faye Hanohano was the only one to cast a “no” vote on the House floor. For those wanting to express their appreciation and gratitude, below are links to their emails.
While in committee Section 4 of HB2600 was removed. Section 4 required all doctors recommending medical marijuana to register every place they see patients where medical marijuana may be discussed as a treatment option. This would effectively cut off house calls and other consultations while putting limitations on doctor’s free speech. American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii played a big role in getting this section deleted. With Section 4 was deleted, the bill is now moving forward and the medical marijuana program will not be affected.
SB2262 was passed by joint Public Safety/Health committees in the senate with an amendment to “defect the date”. This is a strong indication that the bill should pass in both the senate and house. From there it will go on to a conference committee. Once through it will need to be heard by the Judiciary committee.